tiistai 25. marraskuuta 2014


Some of us are classy enough to have their own confectionery. At least in Ilkley.

Could this be the classiest Tea Room ever? Also in Ilkley.

Oui, c'est avec goût, l'hôtel du chocolat à Leeds. The classiest cocoa ever!

Remember one being kissed by the waiter??? Ciao bello!!!

13th floor dress code: "Baht 'at" - sir, could you please remove your hat. And please do have a seat... Don't forget to enjoy the view!

If one still has some money left after all this, one could spend it on champagne. And one did.

And it's all not really that expensive, even if it's royal. Here at the Queens Bar one can get a pint of cider for 5 pounds. 

A note for the Finnish readers - suom.huom! Koska olemme niin kovin hienostuneita, niin emme tietenkään kertaakaan olleet SOOSISSA.

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